Welcome to Unearthing Spaces.

Curated programs and retreats in collaboration with fellow, certified coaches and creative founders.

A haven to be in relationship with the cycles of life, and so with yourself.

Series 1 /
A series of holdings to meet yourself.
Workshops, retreats and a mini taster to discover the power of transformative maturation.

Embracing means accepting, welcoming, and holding close, and this perfectly reflects the intention of this series, created to support and encourage you to explore what it means to be human.

These are held in collboration with very special people.

At the moment these are on hold as I focus on 1:1 clients. 

Embrace Circles

An online invitation to come together in a sacred circle and ceremony.

An evening of connection where we take time for ourselves to rest and be. We listen deeply, breath with intent, move, let go, and share - to be seen and heard. 

Curated around exploring, discovering, welcoming. Every four weeks we come together in a ritual ceremony. Supporting you to take a breath and come back home to you. 

Tickets are £10.

︎ Online    ︎ On hold.

Embrace Workshop

An online invitation to come together in a sacred circle cermeony.

Launching soon.

︎Online    ︎ TBA

Embrace Retreats

Launching soon.

︎Online    ︎ TBA

Unearthyou Collaborations.

Series 2 /
Sacred spaces
for deep exploration in ceremony and ritual.
The place for heartfelt connection to others and your Womanhood.

The perfect tonic for our modern lives. Our curations awaken the sleeping parts of ourselves to offer a platform to explore the messier, wilder, less ‘acceptable’ parts of us. To be seen, heard, and drop from the busy noise of the mind into the body. Honouring the whole self, the feminine and masculine, your light and dark. The secret parts where the magic lies with a want for something different.

Experiences weave together; embodied practises, rituals, breathwork and maturation as we co-led across transitions... To own your sovereignty  with tender embrace.

In co creation with Sara Nori of Wild Awakening

Slow Down Space 

Our invitation is to join us In Sacred Circle and ceremony.

A journey of sharing, connection, sound, breath, movement, and inner awareness
Curated around the eight themes' of The Nature of the Seasons'.
Every six weeks we come together in ritual and ceremony.
Opening and encouraging you to slow down enough to connect to yourself and become present to your surroundings.

We are birthing something new in community.

︎Online/inperson    ︎ Coming soon

Wild and Tender

Let us Hear you Roar. Gift your inner-child her voice back through a rites of passage held on sacred land.

Join us for a one day Retreat. A meaningful way to tune to your wild self. Feet on earth. Arms to the sky. Rooted, grounded, release what needs to be heard, to be seen.
What has been buried for so long? Tenderly roar yourself awake, unearthing your wildest, purest, most authentic essence.

︎ In Person    ︎ 1 day, from 10am-6pm 


ReDream is winter pilgrimage into self to redream what we have forgotten.

ReDream is a process of remembering, of reawakening our dormant senses. Connected to a space where there is no time or boundaries. To take time to explore yourself, to make a commitment to bring you back to your own inner wisdom to be free to dream again.

︎ Online, In person    ︎ 3 Months, from 12/12/2025 until the 12/03/2026


ReKindle is a day pilgrimage into your heart..

ReKindle is a journey to stoke the fire of your dreams, circling back to your centre.
A tender inward listening to recieve what wants to be seen and heard.
This is a time to hear the parts left forgotten and left unattended.
To rewrite the script, as form follows thought, and thought wants observing to discern what is true.

“There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind—you are the one who hears it.”

What is dwelling in the cave of your heart?
What treasure are waiting to be found?
What might the one who hears, recieve if you listen from a different place?

Our invitation is explore, reimagine and rediscover.

A dream waiting to be ReKindled.

︎ In person    ︎ 1 day, 11/03/23
Watch for updates of more dates this year

The Ground

From which we stand, grow and relate (to ourselves, to others, to life).

The Ground program is one of cultivating your inner-leader and mastering ourselves so that we stand rooted in our be-ing.

Through this group coaching you will not only connect with the deepest and most knowledgeable parts of yourself, but you will connect with that part in others. Feeling support, seen and heard at all times.  

︎Online, In person    ︎ 6 weeks 

Take the next step...