Transforming and evolving life.


Experience an Extraordinary Journey of
Reorientation, Realignment and Reemergence.

Move beyond the ‘oneyou know yourself to be, 
generating and creating a new way to be in life.

Find out more.


‘‘You are more powerful than you know’’

Sarah Page

Imagine rediscovering your passion and energy after feeling stuck or lost. It’s a powerful comeback where you feel fully alive and ready to engage with the world again.

If you are here, then life is calling you to embark on a journey of reorientation, realignment, and reemergence, transforming your moments of challenge into opportunities for growth. It’s during these times that you can thrive and evolve into a stronger, more vibrant version of yourself.

Our journey begins with reorientation: creating a shift in how you experience yourself and life—redirecting and setting a new course. Wherever you are in life, reorientation helps you release what no longer serves you and embrace new paths that reflect your evolving aspirations.

The next step is realignment. This stage involves fine-tuning different aspects of your life to ensure they harmonize with your core values and goals. It’s like adjusting the pieces of a puzzle to fit together perfectly.

As you move through reorientation and realignment, reemergence naturally follows. Reemergence is about reigniting your spark and returning to your life with renewed vitality, ready to tackle challenges and seize opportunities with a refreshed outlook.

I am here to guide you through these stages—reorientation, realignment, and ultimately, reemergence. It’s about helping you navigate change, thrive, and shine in your renewed journey.

Are you ready to fall in love with life?

I will lead you through a profound evolution and maturation process. 
I offer three paths for you to journey through.

The Odyssey

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery with Sarah's one-on-one coaching. Embrace challenges, unlock your full potential, and reveal the extraordinary life that awaits you on this epic voyage of personal growth and fulfilment.

︎ Online  
︎ 3/6 Months
︎1:1 Coaching Program

The Quest

Break free from settling and conquer your immediate life challenges with Sarah's short and intensive coaching program. Unlock the extraordinary possibilities that await you.

︎ Online 
︎ 6 weeks 
︎ 1:1 Coaching Program

The Return

Achieve greater self-mastery and enhance your ability to navigate life's challenges with a positive mindset and reduced stress. Join Sarah's group coaching program to cultivate your inner world and gain the tools alchemise your BodyMind. 

︎ Online
︎ 8 weeks
︎ Intimate Group Program

I also offer 60 minute drop-in coaching sessions for those looking to overcome a specific challenge or an introduction to transformational coaching.

“Outgrowing who you think you are opens up a whole new world"

- Sarah Page
I specialise in guiding you to learn about yourself and understand the root of your beliefs and behaviors that may hold you back, so you can move beyond them into a space of expansion and possibility.

I have trained and continue to train in the field of human nature, the power and impact of the mind and body, and how the stories that condition our ways of seeing the world can blink our reality.

I hold an ICF certification in Human-Centered transformational coaching. I’ve also trained and continue to train in maturation facilitation and leadership—the process of outgrowing who you know yourself to be. I am on a constant self-journey through transpersonal psychology, guided by trauma-informed teachers with master's and Ph.D. qualifications.

After hearing my calling to heal deep, painful wounds from a complex traumatic childhood, I took my exit from the Design Agency I co-founded and began a journey to transform my own life and generate a whole new experience of living. Now, I live with a deeper sense of self, in more harmony with life. Through this journey, I brought a big dream to life—I live transformation through design, facilitating people's design and transformation of their lives 360 degrees.

My promise is to walk you through a powerful journey, empowering you to do the same.

“If you find yourself here, maybe something is whispering to you too...
”There is another way” I would love to journey with you so that you unearth who you truly are”.

Sarah x